My Take On Current Events

My take on current events and what I have learned. I was answering someones question about fighting the currents happenings, and one CPT Moroni from the Book of Mormon. And how to fight the current situation. The problem is that we are not fighting an army. An army is easy because you can see them, you know they are there. What is happening now is of secret combinations. It has been brewing since before 1920. This is the plotting and planning of decades. Remember when CPT Moroni was out fighting battles with Lamanite armies and the kingmen took the government out from under the people. That is what we have, secret kingmen infiltrating the government for the last 100 years. Slowly, ever so slowly. As to not be noticed. They slowly bought the government, placed down laws to give themselves power. Power is in who controls the money. A government without money has nothing. The power is in banking, if theycan manage to own all banks, put in an intricate web so no one knows it’s the same group of people, that is power. So they take all the big money, but just a small group. They form a sort of banking guild. Then they go after the governments, how? With money, countries need money to run. So they borrow it from banks, but how to make a government pay you back for sure? You fund their enemies. If one country gets out of line you pay someone to start a war. You enact a bill called the federal reserve bill, and the bank owns the federal reserve. Then when they have the governments they crash wall street and cause a depression. But of course they know they are going to do it so they sell out first. Then when everyone is broke they buy it all pack really cheap. Now to end the depression you start a war. They pay an overzealous, power hungry, poor boy to wreck havoc on the world. They just went from rich to far richer. They buy Presidents, congressmen, Kings, Parliaments. They use war to up the debt of all countries, money borrowed from their banks. They get billions in interest alone. They create tax laws but make sure they write in loopholes only they know about. This helps put their competitors out of business. Their secret guild has slowly bought up every bank, every big business in one way or another. Now they are not just rich, they own the money. Everyone has to come to them. And the best part is no one knows who they are but the social elite, and those willing to believe in the conspiracies. They own the media, so they tell people only what they want them to know. Their main goal is a socialist/communist world they control. They have done it buy owning the money, not just being rich but owning the money. Now that they have the governments wrapped in their scheme, and their people in office they go after everyone else. How? Debt, when your in debt you are beholding to someone else. A lot of people balk at the idea of the “elite” owning everything and us nothing, the great reset. Thing is it has already happened. Credit cards, mortgage payments, car payments, direct deposits. We own nothing, when we pay off our houses, we still don’t own them. We have to pay property tax, we have to register our cars. If we don’t pay them they can take everything away, using the government as cover. At the push of a button they can leave us homeless and broke. So what do they not have power over, our daily lives. So the orchestrate a crisis, a virus, panic and fear. They have been rigging big government and elections for decades. So they pay some scientists to mutate a virus and release it on the people. Step 1: fear
Everyone is scared to be sick and die. They use the media and officials like Fucci to hype it up. A few million in the bank ought to do it. Never in medical history have we tested healthy people for an illness. Never in medical history have we worried about asymptotic spread. Now don’t use the worst most contagious viruses, no pox family viruses. It’s not population control, it’s for fear and panic.
Step 2, riots, paid rioters
Come up with something to riot about. Blow it up. Fear and chaos.
Step 3, let the people see a rigged election, we own congress and the Supreme court so we can do what we want. Cause division in the public. Let the people fight the people. Cause distrust in the government. More riots.
Step 4, the virus gets worse. It mutates. The vaccine stops working. Death rate goes up. Riots get worse. People fear to go outside. They create vaccine cards, change passports to require more information and special permissions to travel outside their country. Eventually produce so much fear the people ask for martial law. Then they control your everyday life. All the while attacking family, equal rights in the form of pushing equal rights for minorities. Eventually taking away the right to worship, because that’s offensive to those who don’t believe in God. Push that button, another depression. Countries need a bail out, the great reset.Now they rule financially and physically. The plan started a long time ago. How can people fight what they can’t even see happening? President Benson warned people and told them to read, None Dare Call It Conspiracy.The people who knew about it tried to tell people but no one wanted to believe it. Now they laying down their sledgehammer. And we have no way to fight it, one everyone wants to blame the current puppets. No one wants to admit that the big monies behind it even exists. How do you fight a shadow, especially when they already own you, your house, everything.Your money is in their bank, when they push that button we all will be left with nothing and the world will turn on Christianity and the government. The people will ripen in iniquity and God will create Zion for the righteous. The righteous will be removes to Zion and God will send the plaques of the last days out on the secret combinations. Like President Nelson said, we live in the later part of the later days. Our only defense at this point is our faith and prayer. That is the only way they have left us to fight. Satan is making his move through the elite rich and their thirst for money and power. Then God will make His and reign down judgments. All this will take time, so far they have been working it for at least 100 years. They are very patient but America is ready to fall. That is what they have been waiting for. Unfortunately we don’t have a CPT Moroni in our government, and not enough people heeded the warnings when their was still time. Now our only save haven will be when God makes Zion. And that is the awful state of our situation. And why President Nelson says the greatest and most important work right now is gathering Israel, gathering all those with enough and strong faith to build a Holy city to protect the righteous. So there you have it, that is the truth.I don’t know if you will chose to believe, if you do read the book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, as President Benson recommended.Learn so that you know what is actually going on.Then fight it with your faith and in spreading the gospel, right now that is the only way left to is to fight it.The secret combinations already own the government and have for some time. Remember that we have been told in the Book of Mormon that the days before Christ came is a likeness of the last days.Remember the gadiaton robbers took the government then the government fail.They all broke up into tribes and had to defend their own, until the coming of Christ.We have hit the point when our government is ready to fall. We all need to be prepared with very strong faith, food and water storage. Study your book of Revelations. Start with the sixth seal because that is where we are at right now, we need a big earthquake, the 144,000, Zion, ripening in iniquity when the saints will be persecuted and some will be martyrs for Christ.The stars will fall, the moon turn to blood and the sun blacken. Then the saints will stand and praise God,those who have waded out of great affliction and had their garments washed in the blood of the lamb.The affliction is coming and after the tests of faith then the great blessings.That is why things are happening now, and how they are happening and who is behind it.And how it will end, the timing of course is in Gods hand.