
Our family has been through a lot of trials in the last three years. Our whole lives have fallen apart. Then this month was the worst month of my entire life.  Yet I still feel so blessed and have a sense of joy and peace that is easy and yet hard to explain. Let me take you back three years from now.

               I am living in an amazing house with my 6 beautiful children. My husband had an awesome job, he is a officer in the army. We have more than enough money, a huge savings and everything we need. Absolutely no debt. I was living the dream!!!!!! I had everything in life that I wanted and that’s when the first boom hit. My husbands unit was disbanded, because of government cut backs, and he was let go. He had the option of joining the reserves, which he did. We had to move from are home at Firt Riley back to where we were from. I was devastated. I had six kids to feed, we had no job and no house. To top it off I was pregnant with baby number seven.  

         My husband managed to secure a job after about 3 months of looking. It was a great company with horrible hours. The pay was, and still is, only about 1/3 of what we were making. I had to stop and hold my breath and count my blessings. We found a house, a job, and baby 6 was a healthy little girl. Life wasn’t perfect but it was good. Money was really tight but everyone was happy and healthy. My husband still worked bad hours for little pay but the company was a great one. We decided to buy a house. Come to find out we couldn’t comfortably afford what we wanted. So we settled on what we could afford.

          The house is in a great neighborhood surrounded by great people.  The back yard is a jungle, the electricity downstairs is wired funny, the sprinkler system was all broken, the bathroom plumbing was all messed up. To top it off there were dead mice. YUCK!!!!! So we had a little bit of a fixer upper. So we started fixing. We also found out baby 8 was on his way. 

        I started the pregnancy on bed rest, for episodes of bleeding. We received lots and lots of help and baby seemed good. I went into labor a month to soon and he was born with pneumonia. It was the worst day ever. My poor baby was blue. I didn’t get to hold him and snuggle him. I watched as they put him on a ventilator and shoved IV’s  all in his little body. Then they life flighted him to a different hospital. I couldn’t even see him! 

       When I finally got to leave and rushed to the other hospital to see my baby, it was nothing short of sad. He had tubes every everywhere and I couldn’t even touch him. My poor sweet Kolob. He made progress fast though and was out of the NICU in 9 days. I felt very blessed again. He was a cute happy healthy, bouncing baby boy.

     Life was still a bit hard. Money was really tight and my husband worked grave yards. I was one tired momma. I loved it though. It was always a nice challenge to add another baby. I live for busy and chaos. We had a great three months and sixteen days, until the worst day of my life. 

    I walked in and saw my baby lying blue and motionless on his blanket. I worked fast screaming as I went. I had to get oxygen in his lungs. I was breathing for him the best I could, trying to remember all my CPR training, everything kind of leaves your brain when your in a panic.

     The ambulance arrived and took over caring for my son. While I held my terrified 10 year old daughter. We were both bawling our eyes out. At the hospital as I watched them work on my son I was falling into pieces. My whole body felt ready to burst from the sorrow and pain. Finally a flicker of hope, a tiny heart beat. They worked to prepare him for transport to the children’s hospital. 

      While waiting to board the life flight helicopter I felt my son standing beside me. He was taller than me and holding my hand as they loaded him in the helicopter. At this point I knew my son was no longer in his body. 

       I told God, hey you can still fix this. You can put his spirit back into his body. He started moving at the hospital and I got really excited. The Dr said it was just reflexes, like the occasional breath he took on his own. I watched my son in the hospital for hours from 7PM until 5:10 AM. I stood by his side or sat in a chair close to his head and I prayed, I prayed, begged, cried, pleaded, with God. I felt impressed to go to my son. At this moment he started pouring blood from his mouth, nose, eyes, and well everywhere. His body could not clot blood any more. He was brain dead, the Dr said. The blood work showed his organs were not functioning at all. I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t watch him bleed to death. I started crying and exclaimed he isn’t going to make it is he. The Dr said no. They unhooked him and laid him on my lap, my little Kolob took his last few breaths in my arms. My sweet baby, 3 months and 16 days old, passed out of this life.

        In three years my family has gone from great to good to horrible. God has given us trials that I never wanted to experience. Looking back at my life over the last three years I can see how I have changed and grown as a person. Through the last few weeks after my sons passing I have felt a peace and a happiness that I have never before experienced in all my life. I know that my Heavenly Father walked with me through each trial. He cried with me each time. He held my hand and He carried my through. He allowed my son to stand with me and support me through the experience of his passing. God has taught me many things. My faith in him and his plan have grown more in three weeks than in my whole life. I have a Facebook page where I have shared my family and shared the passing of my sweet baby. It was called The Wright 8 now it’s called Kolob Angel ( we love you). I just learned that over 56,000 people have read the story of my sons passing. I am so touched by this. Truly this is why my Angel passed through this life, so that he could touch the lives of so many people. That I, as his mother, could bear my testimony of a loving God.

     In this life trials and tribulations come fast and hard like a hurricane. From three years ago until know my family had lost our job, home, savings, security, and now our son. Never before in my whole life have I had such a horrible three years and yet never before have I been filled with so much faith and hope.

      We are all children of a loving Father in Heaven. We are heirs to his kingdom. He gives us trials to shape us into the  children he wants us to be. He makes life hard, very hard, so we can be the best of what we are. The best of who we are. Trials last but for a small moment and if we endure it well God will exalt us on high. The greatest memorial for my son would be that his death would change even just one heart, to come closer to God!! It has changed my heart and countless others. His story and his name are now known through out the world. Tonight and tomorrow do me but one kindness, for my son, choose to come just a small step closer to God. Give a smile, a wave, or a service to someone. Help make someone happy, help them to feel their Saviors love just a little stronger. This will be my sons memorial!!

Well, my child, life just isn’t fair!

I am having a chat with my older daughter. She is complaining about how her brothers get more treats in primary class than she does. I like to turn these things into teaching moments. So I respond that life isn’t fair, we don’t always get the things we want or the amount we desire. I told her, when it comes down to the unfairness of life we have two choices. We can either decide to be happy despite the cruelties of the world or we can wallow in self misery.

          The world truly is an unfair place. There are rich and poor, bond and free, healthy and sick. There are people with huge mansions, that only house 3 or 4 people. There are people with tiny houses, that house 10 or 15 people. There are people with fancy cars, there are people who have to keep jumper cables in their trunk all the time. There are people with 20 kids and people who can’t have kids. Life is not fair, ever. What do we do about it? Well we can’t do anything about it! Life is always going to be unfair in our eyes. Our trials and tribulations are always going to seem worse then Joe’s next door.  The only thing that we can do to make it better is to change our attitude.

      This is what I was telling my daughter,” you have to change your attitude. You have to stop comparing yourself to your brothers. Or what they get to what you get. This is the only way you will be happy about the unfair situations in life.”

         So then that made me think. I am not utilizing my own advice in my current situation. My son died! He passed into the next life at the very young age of 3 months. In my eyes that’s  very unfair. At least to me!!!! I don’t know if he thinks that it was unfair. He might be very grateful to not have to live through the trials and agony of this life. Me though, I think it was unfair. This is a selfish thought. It’s unfair to me because I miss him and I want him with me!!!! Reality is  I have two choices. I can either wallow in my self pity and sorrow. I can be miserable and howl about the unfairness of life. Or I can choose to be happy. I can be happy that I have seven healthy, happy children. I can be happy that I have a great marriage!!! I can be happy that I have tons of friends and family that love me. Most of all I can be happy that I believe in God and I know I will see my son again. I can choose to be happy because I know that my son is happy, even right now he is happy. So it’s time to take my own advice, come out of mourning, and be happy!!! Easier said than done for sure. Nothing in this life is easy!!! It’s not meant to be easy. It’s meant to test the very limits of our strength and endurance, and it does just that!

        I miss my son terribly, and I always will. I am going to do my best to be happy despite the storms on the road of life. I don’t want to be miserable. So I am going to choose to be happy. I am going to count my many blessings and rely on my faith to see me through this very unfair life. 

       It’s funny when a teaching moment for your child turns into a moment when your teaching both your child and yourself to be better people. When we smile and laugh our way through life we live longer. It’s a medically proven fact that happy people live longer than sad and angry people. May we all choose to forget the unfairness of this life and just be happy!!!!!

There Is No End To Kolob

There is no end to Kolob

His smile, His laughter, his love

There is no end to his mission

He presses forward now

There is no end to family

 By covenants we are bound

There is no end to living

It’s one eternal round

There is no end to heaven

That’s where peace is found

There is no end to love

It’s a gift from up above 

There is no end to Kolob

In Heaven he is crowned

My Babies Last Bed

I can’t  even express how grateful I am for the help we have received!!! This beautiful casket was handmade, and specialized just for my son then donated. It is a perfect resting place for my son until the day of resurrection, when our Heavenly Father will take my babies spirit and put it back into his perfect body!!!! He will then be a celestial being and live forever in Heaven. What a blessing it is to know that life goes on, death isn’t the end. It’s just another step of the life God has planned for us. It’s more like another birth than anything. Traveling from one place to another, just like birth. My son left for the next phase of his glorious eternity. The soul is immortal, it never dies, never ceases to be. He will be about his Fathers business now, in the spirit world. Completing the calling that Heavenly Father has for him on the other side. 

      Kolob was named after a star. I felt he would be very close to Heaven in his life. I just didn’t know that God wanted to keep him quite so close. His middle name is Angel.  Truly that was his destiny. I will hurt for my baby, and miss him always. It helps to know though that he is alive and well. That he is living and doing the things that he agreed to do in Heaven. May he smile down on us and watch over us. Our gaurdian Angel, until we meet again!!!

There is a viewing of my precious Angel Tuesday The 20th from 6-8 at the Jenkins-Soffe funeral home in South Jordan. His funeral will take place at 6270 west 7000 south, an LDS chapel at 11. With a viewing starting there at 10!!!! All are welcome to come and show their love and support. You can look up the go find me page,” In Loving Memory Of Kolob, if you would like to help with funeral expenses. Or donate directly to PayPal, Thank you to everyone for your love and support.

Michelle Wright ( Kolob’s Momma)

My Angel Went To Heaven

Kolob Angel Wright was born May 31 2016. He was born a month early and was a little sick. He spent nine days in the NICU. He fought hard and won. He did very well and we were  excited for him to come home.He was the sweetest little baby!!! He loved to smile when you talked to him. He loved his siblings and they loved to take care of him.He smiled and he laughed. He brought a lot of joy into our family. He was a great sleeper 10-6 every night. He was so much fun!!!!!

Yesterday I feed him his bottle and then put him on a blanket to roll and play. I went to cook dinner. 10 minutes later his father found him blue and unresponsive on the floor. We did CPR and called an ambulance. They were able to get a heart beat at the first hospital and sent him on to Primary Children’s. There they fought hard with heart meds and breathing tubes. Trying hard to save his life. They did a CT scan but he was brain dead already. His organs shut down and he started to bleed to death, his blood had lost the capability to clot. We pulled his tubing and meds. He passed fully into the next life within 5 minutes.I have been overwhelmed with the support of friends, families, neighbors, and church leaders and friends. I cannot tell you how broken my heart is!!! I am so very thankful for all of the love, food, prayers and support from everyone we have received. He is now in heaven an Angel. We believe this was the will of our Heavenly Father and we are very grateful for his plan for forever families. We have every confidence and faith that we will see him again. He is still alive in Heaven and we know he is happy there. We will be very excited to see him again!!! If you would like to help with funeral costs you can do so here. Or at on pay pal. Thanks for everything, for standing with us and sharing our heartache!!! We love you baby Kolob. Sept 16 16!! We are grateful for our three blessed months with you!!!

My Angel

Oh my!!! It’s so hard to believe now that he had such a rough start!!! He is doing so well. He has so many facial expressions already. You can just see those little wheels in his mind turning as he is looking around. It’s amazing how much intelligence you can see in a babies eyes. They may not know much about our world but you can see that they are so smart and even wise. Babies are amazing and they teach us so much about life and about ourselves. You can see Heaven through their eyes. I honestly do not know how someone can look at a baby and not believe in God. The whole process of the formation of a baby is proof to me of a higher being. The fact that a baby can be made from two microscopic cells, and be so perfect. They are tiny yet huge miracles!! Even a baby that might be deemed as having a birth defect of some kind can change the world in amazing ways. I have never meet a family with a child that had a birth defect say they wished they had never had the baby. They always say how blessed they are to be the parents of such a special beings, that the life of their child has changed them in so many ways. Even the parents with children that only live a short time or do not live in this world at all are forever changed in positive life altering ways because of the special spirit and life these babies have and the love that they give. God doesn’t make mistakes He makes Angels. Even though their bodies are not perfect in this world they will be made perfect in the next, they forever change the way we look at life. Every baby is so special and has great potential in this life!!!! You can join us at 8 is Great on Facebook!!!!

Getting a Shower

I run to my room at 9 
I have to get a shower

I hear a splash

Oh no, Phoebe, the toilet 

Two brothers

Towels, lots and lots of towels!!
I run to my room at noon

I have got to get that shower.


Help, brother shut my head 

All up in the door.

It’s just a golf ball size

No big deal, you’ll survive
I run to my room at 2

Ok come on shower

The house is clean

The house is quite 

The baby Screams

He needs Food
Now it is 3

Just let me be

I have to get a shower

To save my sanity!!!

Dentists and Doctors

As a mom of 8 and a military wife we have seen are fair share of Dr’s and dentists all around the country. Here is my experiences and advice when it comes to Dr’s and dentists.

     First I have a mortal fear of dentists. When I was 12 I had a horrible crooked dentist. He filled my tooth and left air pockets. That is an extremely painful thing. He attempted to fix it several times. It was two years of pain. Finally I went to an oral surgeon who removed the tooth. He said there was no evidence of a cavity having ever been in the tooth. I guess cavities can leave small traces behind, I don’t know much about that except what I was told. As a consequence of his stupidity I distrust all dentists.

        I am a huge advocate of teeth brushing and oral care. My kids have to brush their teeth religiously every day. I have found a superb dentist. My first rule in a search for a good dentist is he has to agree to let me come back. If they have rules against that I assume they have something to hide. My second rule is they have to be honest. If they want to fill my kids tooth they better have some pretty convincing evidence that a cavity actually exists. My third rule my child has to have a good and fun experience. I have found such a dentist. He is honest, he lets me go back with my kids, my kids have a blast. As a result of going to this dentis regularly my kids have never had a cavity, I know that will one day not be the case! He even has his dental assistants babysit your other kids. They play games and do arts and crafts. He puts those x-rays on the computer and explains everything. 

   Why I came up with this subject is from reading those very sad stories of deaths by dentists hands. Some of them were probably accidents. My question would be did that child have to be there in the first place. I know first hand that some dentists are crooked. Especially when it comes to children. If a dentist came out and said my child needed six crowns and a root canal I would look at him and tell him he is a nut. I know some kids do have bad teeth. My mom fit in this category. No matter what she did or how much she brushed her teeth had cavities and just crumbled apart. She had almost constant pain until at 25 she gave up and got dentures. So I know that sometimes teeth are just bad. I would question a 3 year old, or any child for that matter needing crowns or such at all. My advice is always get a second opinion before letting a dentist drill. Make sure he lets you in the back room and take time to get to know him and see if you can trust him or not. DO NOT just believe them!!!! If you are in the area of Dr.Doug, Small Smiles, Logan Utah. He is the best pediatric dentist on this planet. There might be some just as good, I just haven’t ran into them yet, but not better. I don’t get paid to blog this isn’t an advertisement. I am just a mom writing my personal experience. He is so good I drive  several hours just to take my kids to him!!!

      My take on Dr’s is somewhat similar to dentists. I do not automatically trust a Dr. Same rules apply. They have to let me come with no matter what they are doing, except for surgeries and certain procedures they have proven to me are necessary.  They have to earn my trust and my kids have to be comfortable with them. I have had some excellent Dr’s and I have had some that I swear graduated from the ” How Stupid Can One Human Be,” University.  One in particular I learned over time to loath. 

           My son stopped growing and this Dr put him in the hospital for failure to thrive. He told me it was all my fault and I was doing something wrong. He then had the CPS counselor at the hopital observe me feeding my son. Lucky for me she was very good and reasonable. She reported back to the Dr that I was doing everything perfect. 

  It can be scary now a days to deal with Dr’s you disagree with, especially when they bring in the CPS. My advice and what I did and have done is this. I paid very close attention to what he said and told him I would do it all. Then I beat the heck out of there and found me a new Dr. See Dr’s don’t keep up with you once you leave the office unless they think your not going to do what they say. I found me a different Dr who by the way said he thought my son just wanted to be small. I ran with that and he is a healthy,small, 9 year old. I got the Dr off my back and the CPS by just pretending to play along. They have to much power for their  own good. As a result of so many people doing what I did and simply not seeing this Dr again he now no longer works at that office. We really can take a stand and accomplish what we need as parents by sticking together. 

    It is very sad though that this will not work every time and that Dr’s and CPS workers are only in it for the money. They become very corrupt and they do not put the needs of the child first. Sometimes the parents fight with all they have and do not win, or it takes years and years to win a battle. My battle was very small in comparison. I feel for all these children and parents. Be very careful who you choose as a pediatrician and do your best to always stick with that Dr. My heart goes out to all the children and families suffering from medical and government abuse!!! To protect yourself the best you can always research you Dr’s and your Dentist so you can find the very very best. If they don’t want you back seeing what’s going on then they are hiding something. This is my motto and I live by it!!!!!

How I get my 3 Month old to Sleep From 10:00 to 6:00 Every Night

I was recently asked how I get my infant to sleep so long at night. When I had my first baby I hung on every word the Dr said. So when he said to wake up that baby ever 3 hours for a feed I did. As a result she was trained to wake up during the night and she didn’t sleep well. Over the course of just a few babies I discovered a secret, do not wake up your newborn to feed him!!! There are exceptions if you newborn isn’t healthy!!!!!! If your Dr sites a health concern or disease obviously that is totally different!!!! For my healthy, happy, growing babies I do not wake them up. I let them wake themselves up when they get hungry. That way they learn to only wake up when they are hungry. As a result my son eats 6 ounce bottles every three to four hours in the day. That’s a lot for a three month old, right. Well he has already learned that day time is for eating. So he eats all the food his body needs in the day and therefore sleeps at night. Just like an adult. He eats the recommended amount of food for his needs all in the daytime, and he grows great. He grew 4 pounds in a month. Babies grow when they sleep, they sleep when they are comfortable. So if they are comfortably full they sleep a whole lot better and they grow good too. 

  I am not a Dr and I am not a nurse. I am just a mom with 8 kids. You should always follow those mommy instincts and do what you feel is right. This pattern is how I get My kids to sleep so long during the night. It works really well for us. Please use your common sense and don’t just write off your Dr. There are times when baby needs to wake up and eat, like if baby has diabetes, or other health concerns or conditions. Do talk to your Dr they will be able to tell you if this is safe for your baby!!!!!!!