Fight To Save A Life, A Prolife Advocate

A baby, one of Gods greatest creations. God has chosen Us as mothers to help Him create physical bodies for His spirit children. To be a mother is the greatest calling on earth. It is truly a calling!!! It’s not just a job, but it is a holy calling. One for which we will be held accountable before God himself. To be a Father is also a holy calling, but not the same as a mother. A mother is called to grow a baby in her womb, nurture love and raise this child to become the person for which God himself intended. She is responsible for this life on Earth when conception begins. It is truly her responsibility to take care of her body for the sake of the baby. It is her responsibility to protect and love this child from the moment it is conceived in her womb. Motherhood does not start at birth, motherhood starts at conception. From that point on you are responsible for this life and what this life becomes. Ask a mother who has miscarried or given birth to a still born they will tell you they very much loved that baby. That baby was real and is their child. It is the single greatest gift for which God has given women!!!!!!

I have given birth to 8 children. I have conceived, carried, and labored for 8 children. I have given up my somewhat perfect youg self with tight boobs and skinny legs and flat abs in favor of becoming a mother. I know what being pregnant does to a woman’s body. I know what it does to your emotional state. The crazy hormones and mood swings. Tears for no reason, burts of laughter and fits of rage. Feeling as big as an elephant, suffering with heart burn. Tossing and turning in the bed. Contractions, the pain hitting a scale of 5,000. Forget that 1-10 bull crap.  The stupid IV’s, the crazy catheter happy nurses. Coming in to beat on your already sore stomach every 15 minutes at 2 AM, feeling like you just want to slug that nurse, while trying to be civil. I know all about the complaints and craziness of pregnancy. There isn’t many I haven’t experienced at this point.

I also know that the first time they lay that precious infant in your arms all the pain and misery in the world fades to nothing. Every complaint you ever had is pushed back into the deep folds of your brain. Your heart is sweelling  with so much joy and love that it just might burst. You would fight and give your very life to protect this precious infant. As a matter of fact I have fought for my babies. Even to the point of attacking a nurse who wouldn’t stop poking a needle into my 6 month old baby. I could have clawed her eyes out, if it hadn’t been for my husband I would have. I also know the pain of having to do what is best for your baby. Watching you infant preemie being prepared for life flight to a hospital far from where you are. Watching the EMT taking a piece of your heart, a piece of your very soul away from you and not clawing their eye balls out because you know that it’s what is best for your baby. The joy and the love are overwhelming and so is the pain when things don’t go right.

I know what it’s like to raise children. You love that baby to pieces, and you love that child that baby grew up to become. Man can they ever get mouthy. Those two year old fits, ugh. The word No, the whining, moaning and groaning. The fighting and hitting. All the homework and teaching. The stitches, broken bones, face plants into the cement. The throw up, medicines, hospital stays and Dr’s appointments. The pain in the butt teachers that just will not listen to you about your child’s personality. The child with Autism, whom you love to death, but I swear I have had with the fits and the holes in the wall but in the same moment he hugs you and calls you mommy in a sweet and loving voice. Midnight nightmares, bedweting, and the oh so fun potty training. Being a mom is hard stressful back breaking labor. It’s tough, it’s fun, it’s glourious and it’s a big pain in the back, neck, shoulders and everywhere else that can possibly hurt. It’s the most rewarding and the best job in this world and I absolutely love every minute of it even the absolute crazy chaos. It is all so worth it in the end. Nothing in this world compares with motherhood. So why, why and how could you do this baby harm.

To you who have murdered, tortured and ripped your baby from your womb I say not only have you taken the life of your child but you have ripped out a part of your own soul. That baby is a part of your very being and because of that you have killed a very part of your self as well. You have taken life away from the purest being on the earth. You have deprived yourself of all the grand and glorious experiences of being a mommy and ripped your soul to pieces. You will never be quite the same. Only Jesus himself can put you back together again, if you care to seek Him out. This is about you and what you will become after such a choice. Your body will recover but your mind and your heart will never be the same. You have given up far more than you know. You have given up the smile, love , laughter that the child would have brought to you. The life changing love and all the precious moments. You have given up the life growing heart breaking pains that child will cause, although horrid on you they are life growing experiences for mom and child. You can never become the person you would have been had you had your baby. Those chances are gone, that life is gone. A choice for which you will be held forever accountable. You will be your own worst judge when that day comes and you have to look that baby in the face knowing full well what you did.

I know that some women or, really children in some cases, are confused or scared when they walk into an abortion clinic. They don’t know what to do, they don’t know what they are doing. They certainly don’t understand the full consequences of the action they are about to take. The Dr’s and nurses at these clinics lie and play dirty for money. Convincing these young innocent, naive, girls that it isn’t a big deal. Just a small lump of tissue, remove it done go on with your life. You will never miss it. I promise you that you will be held accountable for every baby you kill. It may not be your baby but for each baby you kill you are also damaging your own soul and hardening your own heart past any feeling. You are turning yourself into something that is no longer capable of human emotion and feelings. You will suffer the consequences of your actions for the rest of your life and through the eternities. Your only hope is to find your Savior in Jesus. God help you!!!!!!!

The very thought of a baby being pulled apart rips my heart to pieces. To think of them birthing a head just to rip out the brains through its nose, what kind of evil mind comes up with this crazy idiocy. It just makes me sick!!!!! It makes me sad and angry!!!! How, how can you end the life of someone so precious. When babies are born preemies or sick they fight, they fight hard to live. They want a chance to show the world what they can do with their life. They want a chance to become!!!! What would you do if someone came to end your life. Would you be ok with it or would you fight like hell to live!!!! History and experience tells us most people fight hard to live. Have you not read, have you no researched. These babies scream in the womb, they fill pain. These babies have been seen trying to move away from the deadly instruments trying so hard to take their life. Babies have fought so hard to live that they have lived through abortions. Some of which have been saved and some of which have been unmercifully murdered after fighting so hard for life. How, how can any human be so cruel!!!!! So uncaring, so evil as to end the life of Gods precious children. I hope and I pray that one day the insanity will come to an end!!!! Please hope and pray with me!!! Life is never useless, it’s never wrong. Life is special and it’s a blessing that has been bestowed on us by a loving Heavenly Father. Fight to save a life!!!!!

The Brands I Like Most

Some people wonder what brands I use for my kids. First I like to buy things that last. I have learned a lot of times that buying cheap stuff that falls apart can cost just as much or more than expensive items. I love to buy my kids boots from IFA or Reams.  My favorite brand is John Deere, they last forever. I have had 4 boys go through one pair before they wear out. They have all different styles and colors so there is something for everyone.

I also like these because I don’t need several pair of shoes per child. These work for every season. They are great in snow, they are perfect for splashing in puddles and yard work. They are good for school and play. They even look nice in a Sunday suit. You  just wash them up really good for Sunday. They also have the cutest baby ones.
         I used to buy clothes from Wal-Mart because they are cheap. This is a huge mistake!!!! The clothes never fit right and they don’t last at all, especially with boys. I found really fast that Wrangler is the best jeans out there for crazy boys. The Wranglers you buy from are even better than the ones at Wal-Mart and other stores like that. The cowboy stores usually have the good ones, Reams, IFA, C-A-L Ranch. These stores have the better made Wranglers instead of the cheap stuff. You really do get what you pay for. I have had Wranglers last through 5 boys with no holes. They were getting faded out by that point but they were not tearing up. My baby and toddler boys under six can wear these forever. My older boys usually are not able to pass down pants as much. They just beat them up to fast. Wranglers are still your best choice to last through the entire school year and maybe a little beyond. 

   With 8 kids there is a lot of passing down of clothes and shoes whenever possible. I keep my kids looking clean and nice. I don’t keep things with stains and or holes in them. At school teachers, unfortunately, give more time and attention to the children that are clean, well groomed, and wearing clothes that are nice. So keeping clean and nice clothes for your kids can literally impact their future and how well they do in school. I feel it’s also important for them to be neat and clean and looking cute in order to keep them from being teased at school. Unfortunately kids can be very cruel. If they see a child that is messy or smells that child will get teased from the children and have no friends. It’s very important to a child’s confidence that they look and feel nice!!!! Nice crisp clean clothes and bath times can do wonders for how well kids do in School both academically and socially, both of which are very important. 

       My girls also wear boots a lot of the time, my oldest daughter though loves flip flops as well. Those I always buy cheap. Wal-Mart flip flops I think work just fine. For my girls clothes though I favor Khols. They have great prices and deals that go on all the time. With the Khols card you get good deals every month. They always have a good selection and the clothes last. My daughter grows very slow and so she wears her clothes a very long time before she out grows them, usually a couple of years. The clothes at Khols seem to stay together long enough for her to out grow them. I also shop Lolly Wolly Doodle for cute stylish girl clothes and baby boy clothes.This cute personalized outfit was bought from Lolly Wolly Doodle. There clothes also are very well made and can be personalized.  They also have very cute holiday clothes for all the Holidays. They can be a little pricey but it’s worth it. 

Don’t Just Call Me Crazy, Get To Know Me

When I take my kids out I get asked a lot of questions. We get stares and people counting our children as we walk by. It can be quit a sight. This picture is our train at the grocery store. Minus three who were in school.
One of the statements recently told to me was about affording so many children. Knowing ones financial limitations. It is a very good thing to know ones financial limitations and follow them. Finances have a way of changing often, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. This fact is one major reason I do not decide the size of my family off of finances. I will use my own family for an example. Three years ago my husband made over 75K a year. He lost that job, he was laid off two years ago. Now we make about 45K a year. In life choices must be made. It’s not always a choice between right or wrong but simply a choice. When you choose to have a lot of children I will grant you sacrifice must be made. That fancy mustang will have to wait, that large fancy house will have to be passed by. Those gorgeous but expensive pieces of jewelry will have to be looked at through the store window. That really nice makeup to cover every flaw will have to be left on the shelf. In other words your money will be spent on diapers, wipes, formula, school, life insurance and Dr bills. So it is about what you most want out of life. Maybe you like to travel so you only have 2 or 3 kids. Then you can all go see the world. Maybe you really want that Shelby Mustang  GT 500, sweet!!!!!  So you only have a couple kids. Or a huge house with a beautiful garden. Everyone has priorities in life, dreams and wishes to. These all will guide your choices. It’s not horrible to want a nice car or a big house. It can be awesome to travel the world. Me though my dream is a big family. So I am willing to make some sacrifices. Although one day I really want that mustang!!! The point is that we all are different and we see life differently. There for we will make different choices. The key here is to not look down on someone for their choices. They might have made great sacrifices and worked really hard to get what they have. So if you drive down the road and see a mansion you can say that’s an awesome house instead of, those are stupid people look at all that wasted space they only have one kid.  Cause they are probably driving by your house thinking those are stupid people look at those 8 kids in that tiny house. Let’s stop assuming we know other people and just stop and get to know them. If you see me in the store stop and say Hi. Feel free to ask questions and get to know me and why I have 8 kids and why I want more. Instead of looking at me like I got skunked, or like you wished I would die. Instead of telling me how stupid I am or asking me, “Do you know what causes those problems.” See I don’t see them as problems but as Angels. For me to say life is perfect would be way off. We have a son with Autism. Our daughter’s leg was broke at 3 months. My oldest daughter broke her neck. I have visited the ER for stitches more times than I can count.Our last baby was a preemie and spent a while in the NICU. My fourth son had troubles with his brain before he was born. In all these situations I said a lot of prayers and shed a lot of tears. We have been very blessed. My little Phoebe’s leg healed great and she is walking. Topsana’s neck healed perfect with no lasting effects. Mathoni’s scan before birth showed all was normal. We still have to deal with Mahonri’s  autism and fits on a daily basis, he gets better and better with age. I have high hopes that as an adult he can work and live a good life. We have our share of financial troubles. We have learned to stay out of debt. Buy only what we need, and use hand me downs. Save almost everything for a rainy day cause you never know when you might need it again . While  at the same time if it hasn’t been used in a few years out it goes. In other words we might have a lot of kids tagging behind us and we may attract a lot of attention but we are just normal everyday people with trials and a whole lot of crazy. I wouldn’t advise having 8 plus kids unless you are ok with chaos. If you do ever see us stop and say hi. Go ahead and ask those curious questions. Get to know us so we can get to know you too.

Dealing with Autism

This is my son, Mahonri. He is an angel of a boy most of the time. I am going to start with his birth. Mahonri was born December 26. It was the perfect labor. Lasting only a few hours from start to finish. Only 20 minutes of active labor. He kind of just feel out. He was a perfect baby boy. 7lbs 7 ounces healthy in every way. We had no idea what the future held for us. We took him home just a few days later, on lights for jaundice. He meet his big sister Topsana. Only 14 months older than him. There started to be signs early on when he was just an infant but I had no idea until later.  He had all sorts of issues eating as an infant. He couldn’t have breast milk or regular formula, not even soy. He kept constant diarrhea that made his poor bottom very sore, he was always bleeding. The Dr looked at his diaper rash and informed me it was normal. I said,” the heck it is.” The Dr didn’t want to help me in finding him the right food. He went from 50% to 3 % on the weight chart in just a few months. I finally put him on A chemical based formula, Nutramigen. He did well with that. His diaper rash cleared up fast after I put him on that. He never gained much weight though. The Dr tested him for everything under the sun. From food allergies to cystic fibrosis even parasites. They found nothing. He was in the lab for a blood draw one day and the nurse was having a very hard time. She poked him several times, he was six months old. He was screaming and she just kept poking. I politely told her it was time to stop. She kept going. My husband could tell I was losing it. So he told me to take Topsana and go in the hall. I complied but I could still her my baby screaming. I lost it, literally went temporarily insane. I gave my daughter to some stangers in the waiting room. Something I would never do. I went into the back of the lab and proceeded to attack the nurse, by this time she had poked my son about ten times with no luck. I was beyond mad!!!!! My husband grabbed me and held me back while the nurse took the needle out of my son. The whole time I was screaming and trying to get my claws into her. This was kind of a low point for me. After lots of tests and specialists, even taking him to Primary Children’s Hospital we had no answers. I switched dr’s. This new Dr’s answer for me was he just wants to be small. I took that and ran with it. He had a terrible time with noise as well. If anyone talked too loud he would cry. Any kind of banging or sirens would make him cry. He would cry during the fireworks every year. I would have to wrap him in a blanket and cover his ears. He never really liked people or crowds.  He had horrible acid reflux and spent several months sleeping in his car seat. He was very miserable as a baby. At two years old, he had horrible tantrums. I tried to teach him like I did my daughter, how to get dressed and make his bed. How to pick up his toys. Whenever we asked him to do anything he would try for a few minutes and then go into fits. When I say fits I mean 2 hours of screaming and throwing toys. Punching or kicking holes in the wall. He would hurt you if you got too close. You couldn’t hug him because he would hit, kick, or pinch. He would scream and scream. I did everything I knew how to do. At first I just thought it was the terrible two’s and horrible three’s.

        He was very different from my daughter. She was very mellow with a huge attention span. She was extremely smart. I had decided to try homeschooling my kids. She was so easy, always paying attention and picking up new concepts really easy. She was reading at three. Mahonri had no attention span at all. It always felt like he was forgetting things faster than I could teach them. It took every ounce of patience I had to sit down and try to get him to learn his ABC’s and how to count. He was 4 when I started trying to teach him things. It became a constant battle and he wasn’t learning anything. After six months of trying he still couldn’t even write his name. It was like he put up blockers and wouldn’t listen to me at all. It was miserable for the both of us. So I gave up and put them both in school. Mahonri was in a preschool program. He did ok. He was very shy and didn’t talk much and had nothing to do with the other kids. He did learn to write his name, finally.  So I felt I made the right choice. He did ok in kindergarten but he was behind.  

    At this point we had moved to Kansas. He was in the army, active duty at the time and just home from deployment. Mahonri was reading on a preschool level in Kindergarten. In the first grade, he had a great school and teacher. They pulled him out every day to have some one on one work time and got him on grade level. I was very excited. Meanwhile at home he was still a wreck. With everyday fits and tantrums. Especially about homework. He did have some points in school that were rough, but he managed to stay on grade level at this point, with special help. He would refuse to go in the classroom if he hadn’t ever been there before, like going into a different teachers room for a special event or tutoring.  He would sit in the back and didn’t speak for months. He always played by himself and got picked on a lot. So we took him to the psychologist. She asked to speak with him alone. I was hesitant but praying hard this would work for him. She took him out of the waiting room and immediately locked the door behind her. Well that was a no go!!!!!! She locked me in the waiting room after taking my son out!!! Nope, and way wrong!!!!! We did not go back ever!!!! You do not lock me away from my child, nope!!! This was very disheartening. I had spoken with his pediatrician and she had suggested this specific Psychologist. I didn’t know what to do and was at a complete loss. He had been tested for everything. I had talked to multiple Dr’s, teachers, Specialists, nothing.  He slowly learned to read and write. He slowly learned a little about math. We were still dealing with daily break downs and extreme tantrums at home. The punching, hitting, screaming, throwing toys, continued. Even though by now he was about 7 years old. I was beside myself. Not knowing what to do. By this time I had six kids and I knew his behavior was not normal.  He didn’t seem to understand when you told him things or gave him instructions. It seems like he forgot things 5 seconds after you said them. He had more fits and breakdowns than all my other kids put together. I was loosing my mind and had no idea what to do for him. I would sit in his room and sing songs to him to try to calm him down. I would try to hug him and tell him how much I loved him. He would cry and I would cry things were falling apart. Mean while in everyday life my husband got laid off from the army with all the cut backs. So we were headed back to Utah again.

      My son started the 2nd grade in Utah on grade level. I told the teachers that he had been diagnosed with ODD and needed some special one on one time. They didn’t listen to me at all. Again I started with talking to the Dr’s and teachers about him. They said there wasn’t much they could do. By this time I was really tired of it all and I needed a break. I did my best at home coaching him through homework and life. His tantrums were a little better. They did seem to get some better with age in that he didn’t have quite as many and he stopped punching holes in the wall. I was trying to teach him to deal with his anger by just going off and taking moments by himself. He was getting farther and farther behind in school though. We decided to buy a house, we were just renting at the time. I looked into all the schools in the district and tried to pick the best one I could with the best house for us, we now had seven children. 

     At the first part of his third grade year I talked with his teacher about one on one time and special classes. I was told, very rudely that he didn’t have the time to deal with it. This made me furious. I talked with the principal as well and was referred to the school counselor. This got me no where. I was really getting worried again about his schooling. So I started again with the Dr’s. She told me to call the school district to get results. So I did. I had to leave several message but when they called me back she told me to call the principal and told me to inform her that I wanted my son tested immediately. She said if they didn’t comply to call her back and she would deal with them. I called the principal and again explained the situation and requested testing. The testing never come up in Kansas because they noted he had a learning disability, without me saying anything at all. They called me asking for my permission to put him in special classes. So he had never been tested for Autism. Like I said earlier all the Dr’s I talked to didn’t even want to go there because he walked and talked on time. The principal tried to give me the run around about how it was too late in the year and they were done with testing. I informed the district of her answer. The very next day she called back with a testing day. 

The testing took a few weeks. I had to fill out several forms about Mahonri and send them in. I had a good feeling about everything this time. They called us in to give us results to his test. They had put together a team of child experts. Including a phsycologist and speech therapist. After a few weeks they called me and my husband for a meeting. They informed us that he had high functioning Autism, almost no short term memory, and speech problems. The Autism and lack of short term memory didn’t surprise me at all. I was even excited just to finally know what was going on. The speech problem threw me though. After all he had started talking at 18 months. The speech therapist explained this. She said that he is really good at repeating what he hears. That is how he learned to talk so well. The problem is that a lot of the time he has no idea what he is talking about or in some cases what is being said to him. He has a comprehension problem in two ways. He can’t get what he wants to say from his brain to his mouth in a way to make himself understood and he can’t always comprehend what you are saying. There we had it, the cause of the tantrums, pure frustration. Not being able to make himself understood and not understanding the world around him. This was heaven to me. I finally knew what was wrong with my boy and how to help, it only took nine years to figure out. My son has high functioning Autism and with it came a horrible memory and a comprehension problem. What got my though as I am walking away from this meeting is why in ****** couldn’t someone have come up with this way before now. I had heard of Autism but was very skeptical about it. I was a nonbeliever. I really thought it was some rubbish Dr’s made up when they had no idea what was going on. Yes, I was way wrong on that one!!! I knew my son had some sort of issue almost from day one but because of quack Dr’s and my lack of knowing it took nine years to find out what the problem was. That is pathetic!!!!! Those years could have been used more wisely for him had I known what I do now.  Never underestimate the power of the gut feeling as a parent. There are some great DR’s out there but nothing can come close to that feeling of a mom. Now with 8 kids I know to trust myself and I am learning who to go to and how to work the system for answers. Our struggle is far from over. We still have to deal with Autistic melt down and learning disabilities. Knowing what the issues are have made life a lot easier. I now know to give my son just one task at a time, so he doesn’t forget. I know to repeat things often. I am slowly learning how to read my son when he has a hard time voicing his needs. I also know that it isn’t anger feeding his melt down but it’s frustration and hopelessness.  So we are slowly working on making these things better. Autism comes in many different degrees and faces. It’s never completely the same in any person. Their needs though are the same as any person. They want to be understood and loved. They want to fit in and have friends, play and learn. They just want to be normal, treated like everyone else. My son wants to learn and play and be the same as all his siblings. In some things he can and in some he just can’t keep up. That’s where I step in as his mom and do my best to help him and teach him and give him as normal a life as possible. I have high hopes for my son. He can learn it just takes longer. You might need to repeat a hundred times but eventually it gets into that long term memory and he retains it. He makes life very interesting sometimes. Just today his chore was to sweep the floor. I checked on his job and saw he missed a pile of food. I asked why he didn’t sweep it up. He informed me that it was for the ants that they needed  food and it wouldn’t be right to take it away by sweeping it up. It was kind of hilarious, it made me laugh inside and it made me very thoughtful too. I was proud of him for respecting the life of the ant. I informed him though that there was lots of food for the ants outside and that they didn’t need to be eating in my kitchen. We then went over the food sources they had outside and he decided that it would be enough for them. It may take him just a little longer to process and understand life but truly he is destined for greatness. I have pondered  and prayed about my son for nine years now. I believe with all my heart he is the way he is because that’s how he was intended to be on this earth. It wasn’t a mistake, it wasn’t from a shot. He was born this way and he will thrive and learn and one day he will be great. He will accomplish all that God intended for him. He is a good boy and it is a pleasure and honor to be his mother. We have had rough times and we have had great times. We have learned to work through the rough  and we have learned to cherish the great moments. I love my boy and wouldn’t change anything about him, Autism and all!!!!!!!!


 The Wright 8

Hi, my name is Michelle. I am mom to 8. 2 girls and 6 boys. My oldest boy has high functioning Autism. With him, life can get a little rough. He has great moments and melt downs on a daily basis. We are also a military family, my husband works for the army reserve right now, but has been on active duty as well. He currently drives diesel as well for a company called Sysco. 

This is me and my husband when he came home from deployment a few years ago. He meet his 5th son on this day.

He was born just after my husband left for deployment. It was interesting to have my husband using Skype to see his birth. We love having and raising children, it’s what I live for. I love being a stay at home mom, I am not “just” a stay at home mom. I am a stay at home mom. It’s my work and my life. It’s fulfilling in every way!!! I don’t get paid with money but in kisses and hugs. I don’t get breaks, and vacations usually mean more work for me than staying at home. I love to travel though and we have been up and down the whole country. Here are the reasons I love to stay at home.
It’s not always easy, sometimes it’s really tough. I spend a lot of time on my knees praying everyday, mostly to be a better mom and for more patience. No matter how good we are we can’t ever have too much patience. Especially when dealing with Autistic melt downs. I want to share my life as a stay at home mom. I hope to enlighten people on what a special job it is. I hate it when moms feel like they have to say I am just a stay at home mom. Careers and jobs are great and if you have one I think that is wonderful. I choose the full time mom career and that consumes my life. When all my kids are in school though I am going to go back and get a nursing degree, even if I am old. You’re  never too old to learn. Here are some pictures to introduce my children.

I want to celebrate motherhood!!! Working or staying at home!!!! Moms are special and so are children be it one or one hundred. So this blog is for moms everywhere. I want to share my family and get to know yours.