Fight To Save A Life, A Prolife Advocate

A baby, one of Gods greatest creations. God has chosen Us as mothers to help Him create physical bodies for His spirit children. To be a mother is the greatest calling on earth. It is truly a calling!!! It’s not just a job, but it is a holy calling. One for which we will be held accountable before God himself. To be a Father is also a holy calling, but not the same as a mother. A mother is called to grow a baby in her womb, nurture love and raise this child to become the person for which God himself intended. She is responsible for this life on Earth when conception begins. It is truly her responsibility to take care of her body for the sake of the baby. It is her responsibility to protect and love this child from the moment it is conceived in her womb. Motherhood does not start at birth, motherhood starts at conception. From that point on you are responsible for this life and what this life becomes. Ask a mother who has miscarried or given birth to a still born they will tell you they very much loved that baby. That baby was real and is their child. It is the single greatest gift for which God has given women!!!!!!

I have given birth to 8 children. I have conceived, carried, and labored for 8 children. I have given up my somewhat perfect youg self with tight boobs and skinny legs and flat abs in favor of becoming a mother. I know what being pregnant does to a woman’s body. I know what it does to your emotional state. The crazy hormones and mood swings. Tears for no reason, burts of laughter and fits of rage. Feeling as big as an elephant, suffering with heart burn. Tossing and turning in the bed. Contractions, the pain hitting a scale of 5,000. Forget that 1-10 bull crap.  The stupid IV’s, the crazy catheter happy nurses. Coming in to beat on your already sore stomach every 15 minutes at 2 AM, feeling like you just want to slug that nurse, while trying to be civil. I know all about the complaints and craziness of pregnancy. There isn’t many I haven’t experienced at this point.

I also know that the first time they lay that precious infant in your arms all the pain and misery in the world fades to nothing. Every complaint you ever had is pushed back into the deep folds of your brain. Your heart is sweelling  with so much joy and love that it just might burst. You would fight and give your very life to protect this precious infant. As a matter of fact I have fought for my babies. Even to the point of attacking a nurse who wouldn’t stop poking a needle into my 6 month old baby. I could have clawed her eyes out, if it hadn’t been for my husband I would have. I also know the pain of having to do what is best for your baby. Watching you infant preemie being prepared for life flight to a hospital far from where you are. Watching the EMT taking a piece of your heart, a piece of your very soul away from you and not clawing their eye balls out because you know that it’s what is best for your baby. The joy and the love are overwhelming and so is the pain when things don’t go right.

I know what it’s like to raise children. You love that baby to pieces, and you love that child that baby grew up to become. Man can they ever get mouthy. Those two year old fits, ugh. The word No, the whining, moaning and groaning. The fighting and hitting. All the homework and teaching. The stitches, broken bones, face plants into the cement. The throw up, medicines, hospital stays and Dr’s appointments. The pain in the butt teachers that just will not listen to you about your child’s personality. The child with Autism, whom you love to death, but I swear I have had with the fits and the holes in the wall but in the same moment he hugs you and calls you mommy in a sweet and loving voice. Midnight nightmares, bedweting, and the oh so fun potty training. Being a mom is hard stressful back breaking labor. It’s tough, it’s fun, it’s glourious and it’s a big pain in the back, neck, shoulders and everywhere else that can possibly hurt. It’s the most rewarding and the best job in this world and I absolutely love every minute of it even the absolute crazy chaos. It is all so worth it in the end. Nothing in this world compares with motherhood. So why, why and how could you do this baby harm.

To you who have murdered, tortured and ripped your baby from your womb I say not only have you taken the life of your child but you have ripped out a part of your own soul. That baby is a part of your very being and because of that you have killed a very part of your self as well. You have taken life away from the purest being on the earth. You have deprived yourself of all the grand and glorious experiences of being a mommy and ripped your soul to pieces. You will never be quite the same. Only Jesus himself can put you back together again, if you care to seek Him out. This is about you and what you will become after such a choice. Your body will recover but your mind and your heart will never be the same. You have given up far more than you know. You have given up the smile, love , laughter that the child would have brought to you. The life changing love and all the precious moments. You have given up the life growing heart breaking pains that child will cause, although horrid on you they are life growing experiences for mom and child. You can never become the person you would have been had you had your baby. Those chances are gone, that life is gone. A choice for which you will be held forever accountable. You will be your own worst judge when that day comes and you have to look that baby in the face knowing full well what you did.

I know that some women or, really children in some cases, are confused or scared when they walk into an abortion clinic. They don’t know what to do, they don’t know what they are doing. They certainly don’t understand the full consequences of the action they are about to take. The Dr’s and nurses at these clinics lie and play dirty for money. Convincing these young innocent, naive, girls that it isn’t a big deal. Just a small lump of tissue, remove it done go on with your life. You will never miss it. I promise you that you will be held accountable for every baby you kill. It may not be your baby but for each baby you kill you are also damaging your own soul and hardening your own heart past any feeling. You are turning yourself into something that is no longer capable of human emotion and feelings. You will suffer the consequences of your actions for the rest of your life and through the eternities. Your only hope is to find your Savior in Jesus. God help you!!!!!!!

The very thought of a baby being pulled apart rips my heart to pieces. To think of them birthing a head just to rip out the brains through its nose, what kind of evil mind comes up with this crazy idiocy. It just makes me sick!!!!! It makes me sad and angry!!!! How, how can you end the life of someone so precious. When babies are born preemies or sick they fight, they fight hard to live. They want a chance to show the world what they can do with their life. They want a chance to become!!!! What would you do if someone came to end your life. Would you be ok with it or would you fight like hell to live!!!! History and experience tells us most people fight hard to live. Have you not read, have you no researched. These babies scream in the womb, they fill pain. These babies have been seen trying to move away from the deadly instruments trying so hard to take their life. Babies have fought so hard to live that they have lived through abortions. Some of which have been saved and some of which have been unmercifully murdered after fighting so hard for life. How, how can any human be so cruel!!!!! So uncaring, so evil as to end the life of Gods precious children. I hope and I pray that one day the insanity will come to an end!!!! Please hope and pray with me!!! Life is never useless, it’s never wrong. Life is special and it’s a blessing that has been bestowed on us by a loving Heavenly Father. Fight to save a life!!!!!

2 thoughts on “Fight To Save A Life, A Prolife Advocate

  1. I can’t stand abortion either. It makes me sick, breaks my heart. They say, what about the horrible life that child’s might have to live. I say, what I’d that child perseveres in spite of a rotten life and becomes something amazing. This is God’s choice not ours. There is never a reason for ask abortion. I would rather die giving birth than to end the life of a child just so I could live.

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