Help For Angels and Mommas

I want so much to give back some of what I received when my got suddenly passed away at three months. I started a group called Jade For Angels. I want to raise funds for unexpected funeral and other expenses parents have when they loose a baby or a child. I can’t do it alone though I don’t have the funds. I sell Jade Bracelets in an effort to raise these funds. The bracelets are $20 a set. 10 will go to keeping the program alive by buying the Jade for the bracelets. 10 will go toward a family in need. I will also take donations of real Jade in any color or donations to put away to help moms in need. My dream for the future of this is to start a nonprofit organization focused on Angels and their mommies. Nothing can make the pain go away but not having to worry about money or being sad because you cannot afford a stone for your child’s plot. Or a nice Urn for their ashes. I want mommies to be able to say good bye to their babies in whatever way they choose without having to worry about money. This is my dream but I need help to make it a reality. So please drop by Jade For Angels on Facebook and help us spread the word!!